Motivation is the impulse that starts the process of achieving goals. Do you want to lose weight? Build muscle mass? Or do you want to lead a healthy lifestyle?

1. Take small steps!

Break down your main goals into small steps. Let's say your goal is to eat healthily. It will be very difficult for you to change your habits overnight. Drink more water at the beginning, change your dinners to healthier ones, develop the habit of daily exercise. Making changes gradually is much more effective.

2. Record your progress!

Carefully kept notes show you how much work you have already done to achieve a dream and you are aware of how long it will take to achieve it. This is particularly helpful for people who take a task-based approach to an activity. It's a great way to get a dose of motivation every day.

3. Reward yourself for small successes!

The reward of a small success makes you want to work longer and harder. An example of this would be buying the clothes of your dreams. Few things motivate as much as a t-shirt or dress in a smaller size that fits perfectly on your body.

4 Set realistic goals for yourself

The goal should be:
- realistic
- attractive
- time-bound

What does this mean? An unrealistic goal will ensure that you don't achieve what you are aiming for. You won't run a marathon if you have a problem with basic exercise. You will only get discouraged.

Find your inner motivation. Look for it for as long as you need to. We are keeping our fingers crossed for you! :)

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